Traditional Irish Music

The folk music of Ireland (also known as Irish traditional music, Irish trad, etc.) is the generic term for music that has been created in various genres in Ireland. .
For more information download A History of Irish Music by William H. Grattan Flood (1905). Online book. Also you can check
CCÉ Music Archive: The Comhaltas Traditional Music Archive comprises the recordings, documents and images collected by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann during our 50 years of promoting Irish music and culture. You can either browse the archive as a guest, or you can create an account (at no cost).Irish Traditional Music Archive – Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann: The Irish Traditional Music Archive is a national reference archive and resource centre for the traditional song, instrumental music and dance of Ireland. It is a public not-for-profit facility that is open, free of charge, to anyone with an interest in the contemporary and historical art forms of Irish traditional music. The Archive promotes public education in Irish traditional music through its own activities and through partnerships with others.
Traditional Irish Music - Learning Resources Centre: This site has been created to provide a source of learning materials for those wishing to extend their knowledge of Irish traditional music. The materials are free.
Ceolas: Some tunes use an ABC player to utilize them, go to Henrik Norbeck's ABC Pages to download his shareware program abcmus 1.1.
Vashon Celtic Tunes: (Mostly) Irish dance tunes with sheet music, midis, and chords.
Ottawa Irish Arts instrument Loans
The Ottawa Irish Arts owns a collection of musical
instruments common in Irish traditional music. These instruments represent a
substantial investment and commitment by OIA to maintain the musical
heritage of Ireland. By loaning these instruments, beginning students are
spared the initial cost while they find their way and determine whether
learning the instrument is for them or not. The loan of the instrument is for the sole purpose of learning the instrument for playing Irish traditional music, at the beginner level.
The collection, and current status, of the instruments is:
- Two full sized harps.
- Two Stentor student 3/4-size fiddle.
- One adult Stentor fiddle.
- Irish wooden flute; (AVAILABLE);
- Single-row button Hohner melodeon, key of C (AVAILABLE); and
- Half-set of David Daye uilleann pipes. (AVAILABLE)
In order to assure instrument loans in the long term, a fee is now collected for each instrument loan. Collected fees are put aside and allocated to maintenance and eventual replacement of each instrument. Each fee represents a small percentage of the instrument cost, or of an instrument commercial rental.
- Harp $200 / year
- Fiddle $30 / year
- Flute $40 /year
- Accordion $50 / year
- Uilleann pipes $150 / year
Beginner students can petition the Branch to borrow an instrument (MUST be a OIA branch member, either adult or family membership); please note that the member MUST be an individual 18 years or older (to be able to sign the loan contract).
If the student is eligible and the instrument is available the student will receive the instrument on loan. Each loan is subject to written terms and conditions set by the Branch.
It is expected that the student will make an honest effort to gain sufficient proficiency and passion for the instrument and the music, and eventually acquire their own instrument. The loaned instrument is then returned to OIA for loan to another beginner.
Normally the availability of these instruments is announced at the monthly ceilis, and in the OIA branch newsletter. OIA is eager to loan one of the instruments to persons who indicate a serious intention to make that initial effort to learn their chosen instrument. If you are such a person, or know of such a person, please contact the Vice-Chair for details.