What's New

OCSB Irish Language Classes 2018-2019 Registration
for Irish-language classes are now OPEN for the 2018-2019 school year! This year, courses at both the elementary AND secondary levels are open for pre-registration. Classes are offered FREE OF CHARGE for all Ontario students (enrolled at public, Catholic, or private schools)
Register now at 613-228-3338
Please tell anyone you know who may be interested in having their children learn Irish as classes risk being cancelled in September if there is insufficient attendance.

The annual Irish-immersion weekend at the beautiful site of Galilee Centre is back 28-30 Sept. Prices are inclusive of all meals, classes, workshops, lodging, and dances. Get more details or register entirely online (new this year!) at the link or email below:
Nasc gréasáin | Web link: https://caintiscomhra2018.eventbrite.com
Ríomhphost | Email: CaintisComhra@gmail.com
2017 AGMs!
This year we are holding our Branch AGM on Thursday, October 5th at 6:30pm, at the Elmvale branch of the OPL
(1910 St Laurent Blvd). Then, a few days later we are hosting the CCE Regional (Canada East) AGM.
This will take place Saturday, October 14 at 1:00pm, also at the Elmvale
branch. The céilí is of course the same day! A month full of exciting events.
Why have we changed our public-facing name to "Ottawa Irish Arts"?
Dear Members, a chairde,
This is a note to let you know that the public name for CCE Ottawa is changed to “Ottawa Irish Arts.” Our legal name, and our affiliation with Comhaltas, will not change. Why are we doing this? Read on to find out.
Since its inception in 1975 our branch has been named “Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Ottawa Branch.” This name served us well for many years, but as time moves on, so have many of our founding and long- time members. Many of those members were first and second generation Irish, and had first-hand knowledge of the Comhaltas organization.
Using the branch's legal name, which is in the Irish language, for public outreach is becoming increasingly difficult as it is difficult to pronounce (for non-Irish), and literally has no meaning to non-Irish. It is after all in another language. Changing our public facing name allows us to reach out to the broader Ottawa community in order to maintain, and hopefully grow, our activities of preserving traditional Irish culture.
By changing our name to “Ottawa Irish Arts” we tell people where we are, the culture we represent, and the types of activities we pursue. It is easy to spell, pronounce, and is consistent with many other Comhaltas branches.
Over time we will migrate the website and other media to the new name.
We are still a Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann branch. From here on, I strongly encourage all members to consciously use the name Ottawa Irish Arts, particularly when reaching out to new people or groups.
Thank you, Le meas,
Craig Hamm
Chair/ Cathaoirleach,
Ottawa Irish Arts (Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Ottawa Branch)
On behalf of the Executive
Membership changes - Online renewal and Online registration for classes
Please note that memberships must be renewed before 30 September 2018.
To come to par with the membership service that many other CCE branches provide, we have implemented online memberships, and the renewal date for membership was stipulated to be before the branch AGM.
For those members that would prefer not to use online payments, they can continue to use the PDF form that is available on the website and should be mailed with payment to the address that appears on the form. For those members who do not have internet access, their membership forms will be sent to them (or they can request it from the Rúnaí). Please note that the mailing address has been changed in the form to accommodate the new implementation.
Treoir online!
If you want to catch up with past issues of the Treoir, you can read it online: https://treoir.comhaltas.ie
The CCE blog http://ottawacomhaltas.blogspot.ca can also be easily read on your mobile device, such as the many 'smart phones' that now exist. You can also subscribe to the blog so you can receive the latest posts via email.
Direct submissions (you write the content, we post it for you) can be sent to the CCE-Ottawa Branch webmaster at: webmaster.ottawacomhaltas@gmail.com or you can submit your post at: webmaster8617.comhaltas@blogger.com.
Please note that all submissions must be related to the Comhaltas mandate (Irish/Celtic culture).